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The Best Gift to Give a New Mum

Motherhood is a transformative journey that often requires moments of rediscovery and self-care. Our kits are designed with one purpose in mind: to help new mums reconnect with themselves as they step into this new chapter.

Understanding Postpartum

  • What are effective ways to soothe postpartum discomfort?

    Soothing postpartum discomfort can include cold compresses, genlte exercises, and hydration.

  • How can a postpartum recovery kit help new mums?

    A postpartum recovery kit helps new mums by providing essential items for comfort and healing, easing stress during recovery.

  • What should I use for postpartum recovery?

    For postpartum recovery, use ice packs, perineal spray, nursing pads, comfortable underwear, pain relief, witch hazel, gentle laxatives, hydration, and nutritious snacks.

Every Kat Deserves Care

Your postpartum cheer squad to celebrate your body's awesomeness.

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